Disciplining Procedure

Guidelines, consequences, consistency, fairness, warning, structure, feedback, rules, boundaries, reinforcement, accountability, documentation, evaluation, correction, instruction.

     Step 1

  • The teacher will enquire regarding the misbehavior and measures will be taken to prevent the repetition of the same
  • The child will be asked to revise the school and class room
  • The incident will be recorded in the observation
  • Recurrence of the same behaviour will result in negative reinforcements

      Step 2

  • Negative points will be marked in the Parents are liable to sign and acknowledge the same.
  • Student will be asked to write an apology letter stating the mistake and the reason for the behavior.

     Step 3

  • Time out from the regular class with adequate and meaningful work with the knowledge of the principal.
  • Suspension (at the discretion of the principal)
  • If the property is damaged or destroyed, it has to be replaced and/or additional project work will be given.

     Step 4

  • The class teacher will report to the parents and the principal
  • The student will be allowed to enter the class only after the parent meets the principal

   Step 5

Students indulging in any form of serious misbehavior causing damage to person or property will be dismissed immediately from the school indicating the nature of the offence in the transfer certificate.