Fitness & Athletics

Fitness and Athletics Auxilium School stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of physical education and sports training.

Rooted in the Latin term ‘Auxilium’, meaning ‘assistance’ or ‘aid’, the school is dedicated to aiding students in reaching their peak physical potential while fostering a strong sense of discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship. With state-of-the-art facilities, expert trainers, and a curriculum that balances both theory and practical application, the institution ensures that every learner leaves with a comprehensive understanding of fitness, athleticism, and the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”


“Auxilium School emphasizes holistic student development, prioritizing fitness in its curriculum. With top-notch facilities, the school fosters a culture of physical well-being, ensuring students are active, healthy, and imbued with lessons on the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle both in and outside of the academic environment.”


“Auxilium School champions athletics, nurturing talent, fostering discipline, and promoting teamwork through exceptional training and facilities.”

– Baseball

– Basketball

– Kabaddi

– Soccer

– Tennis

– Volleyball